An organized space

Ok, so I'll admit that I was bored today and took to YouTube to watch some videos. One caught my eye, about a family of 17 (yes, the mother had 15 kids) trying to tame the clutter in their home. The organization expert gave them a 31 day challenge to spend 10 minutes a day organizing and decluttering. If a family of 17 can do their whole home in 31 days for 10 minutes a day,  then I should be able to do my home office in the same amount of time. My home office is not a disaster zone— I can see the floor and move my chair around on its casters. However, it is piles of papers, files boxes and unruly bookshelves. I have to cease buying books for my antique cookbook collection until that bookshelf is in order. The collection pretty much takes up a floor to ceiling bookshelf. So starting tomorrow and every monday in the 31 days I will blog and document my progress. The key to getting this done, play some upbeat music while you cleaning. The organization asked the 15 kids to dance as they put away their clean folded laundry.  The second key is to have three categories —keep, toss (garbage or recycle) and donate. How many tape dispensers do I need? Certainly not three.

Some of the papers and file boxes. Eew! 

Some of the papers and file boxes. Eew!