TH Mentality #2

So yesterday, I applied the tiny house mentality to two more categories to organize —jewelry and saved recipes. I started again with keeping 10. My mom will pleased to know that the pearl studs she gave me and her Pumpkin Chiffon Pie recipe made the cut to be in the 10. After which I did, the hard to replace and sentimental value weed out. If I saw a recipe I liked, I cut it out, taped it to binder paper and placed it in a the binder under its category. How many of those saved recipes did I make? Not many. As for jewelry, there are only 365 days in a year and I am not going to wear earrings, a bracelet and a necklace each day. I added a category here that is "special occasion jewelry." I don't often get into formal wear, but when I do, I want my jewelry to be "formal" too. I even set aside pieces to save for Sylvie. In my weed out, I found pieces of jewelry I forgot I had, a recipe dating back to 7th grade Latin (see photo) and multiple copies of my famous brownie recipe (which really is James Beard's and not mine). What will I sort today? or tomorrow?

