It pays to organize

For several months, I have been looking for some glossaries I did for my business. I put a lot of research and work into them. Heck, they are handwritten. A while back I found the binder they had been in and assumed I threw them out. I lamented for a minute and then moved on. Well, today, I cleaned out my second file drawer (I did the first one yesterday); A project I discussed with the professional organizer I hired several years ago. Well, wouldn't you know it, I found the glossaries in a different binder. I was happy to find them and realized that cleaning out my files on a regular basis (who needs financial records from closed accoutns) is something I should do. Maybe a New Year's purge. And yes, I did save Sylvie's first drawing, the story she wrote one summer when she was 6 and some other keepers.


From 2011