Social Creatures

It’s been a while since my last blog because I was contemplating what to write. And then in a webinar yesterday, I was struck. Humans are social creatures by nature the host said. Physical distancing for us is a kin Sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill only to have it fall back down just as he reached the top. In laymen’s words, it is a form of suffering for us. For those that know me, the next sentence will shock you. Since we began social distancing, now called physical distancing, I have not seen my mother live and in person (talk about suffering). We live 20 minutes from each other and saw each other usually once a week. Don’t worry my relationship with my mom isn’t going down hill. We have tea over FaceTime almost every afternoon. And some teas have lasted over an hour. However, this distancing had made me think about all my relationships, not just the one with my mom. I had a Zoom call with a close friend I haven’t seen in a few years. I was intending this spring to see if she would meet me in Philly for the day to catch-up. Zoom did the trick. I have texted with my best friend, more in the last month than in the previous 6 months to year and subsequently we know more about each others families. I am dropping “thinking of you” notes in the mail to remind people that I care. And most of all, I am delving into my relationship with myself and making this one better too. Have I learned anything? Most definitely yes.

  1. The written letter isn’t dead yet. Sorry, email.

  2. I will always have something to talk about with my mom.

  3. Connection is a key to happiness and so I need to do more connecting over Zoom/FaceTime and Text.

  4. Connecting with myself is where it should all start.