Honey, where's my...


So, it’s time to tame the clutter and organize. Organizing can also help you sleep better, plan ahead for healthy eating (meal planning), and even make you more productive at work.

From an article on the academic importance of being organized for college students (these apply to any adult):

  • Increasing your productivity - you accomplish more in the same amount of time!

  • Saving time - you have more time for enjoyable activities.

  • Saving money - you manage your finances carefully and have fewer worries about them.

  • Protecting your credit - missing bills or payments can adversely affect your credit, making it harder for you to make big purchases in the future.

  • Protecting your valuables - important items in your life are collected and cared for, rather than getting lost or damaged.

  • Increasing your space - you'll find you have more room if your living area is organized.

  • Enhancing your relationships - you won't be THAT person who's always late, always unreliable, and always losing things.

  • Reducing stress - being disorganized is basically existing in a state of chaos, which produces stress and fear.

  • Increasing self-esteem - you'll believe in yourself more fully, because you know you are capable of accomplishing all of your responsibilities.


Now that you know the importance of organizing, the next question to answer is HOW? Simple, everything in its place. This means papers in files, clothes in the dresser or closet, books on the bookshelf, etc. First, make a plan of attack, so you can buy ahead any storage containers needed. Start with scanning the room and throwing out any garbage. Then divide the room into sections and start with one section. For a bedroom, this might equal the bed, the nightstand, dresser, bookshelf, etc. Be sure you have a bin to toss in items you can donate in addition to your trash can. Also, anything you want to keep should be put right away, even if it goes in another room. My closet happens to be in my home office due to space, so putting away laundry often requires I go back and forth. After you do the initial big clean, you can do this every day. I keep a container in my basement for donation, so I can toss in items whenever I need to do so. This way the clutter doesn’t return.

Organization doesn’t only apply to your stuff it applies to your time, finances, and health too. I use Mint.com to manage all my financial accounts. This way I can see all my money at a glance. Also, you can meal plan for a week and then plan your grocery shopping list based on your plan. I shop every Wednesday and the day before plan meals for a week and then make my list off of this plan. When I go to the store, I carry the recipes with me (if not in a cookbook) so I can double check that I got all the ingredients.

Now that you know the importance and how to organize it is time to get cleaning (just pretend it is spring).

Click here for the companion video of my go-to organization tips.

Mali Mayer