Thought provoking

 What do the three books in the photo above have in common? No, they are not written by the same author. No, they don’t have the same title. They have the same subject matter:: the power of your thoughts. As I watched this Alex Morton video on YouTube, I was struck that the premise behind most self-help books and other self-help material for the last 75 years is that changing your thoughts and beliefs can change your life.


To put it simply, if you have positive thoughts and beliefs, your life will be positive. This means that every time the thought “I am a failure” slips into your mind, you need to stop and send it packing with a positive thought such as “I am good at what I do”, “I am a loving partner”, “I am a great baker”, etc.


The Law of Attraction, as publicized in the book and movie, The Secret, says that negativity attracts negativity and positivity attracts positivity. To use the example above if you think you are a failure then you will become one. If you think you are successful then you will be.


Now here’s the monkey wrench, what we were told as a child. Some of us have ingrained in our brains that we are less than others, a failure, fat, ugly, a bad seed, etc. from something that was said to us as a child. Maybe it was only said once, but still, it left its mark. The only way to change this as stated above is to replace the negative thought with a positive one.


Someone said something negative about me when I was a teen. I thought for years that others were in agreement with him. I walked around carrying this image of myself, only to find out that others had told the person he was wrong about me. So, for more than 30 years I had a negative image in my brain, And, suddenly, POOF! it was gone and replaced by a positive one.


Changing your thought patterns won’t always be as easy as I had it. I still have more thought patterns to change to positive ones and to work on them every day. One way I do this is to recite affirmations. A group of positive statements that as I keep reciting them will hopefully become my thought pattern. Another way is to stop a negative thought in its tracks and replace it immediately with a positive one. Hopefully, over time, this will help too in changing my thought pattern to positive.


Now for some of us, we may not be able to go it alone. Of course, there is therapy. You could also reach out to a friend to do it together. Or even start a positive thinking book club where you read the books above and others..


Whether you read one of the books above, listen to Jon Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Tony Robinsetc. or watch videos like the one above, the key is that for a better life, you need positive thoughts.


The Jack Canfield Story(Scroll down in the blog)


“When Jack was in his twenties, he worked for W. Clement Stone, his mentor in the personal development industry. And being Jack’s mentor, Mr. Clement Stone asked Jack to set a goal so big and so unbelievable.

Jack agreed and followed his mentor’s advice, saying that he wanted to make $100,000 in the next calendar year. At that time, Jack had a job as a school teacher that was earning him only $8,000 a year. Thus, to make $100,000, that would be twelve times his income! He did not see how he could do that.


However, Jack went ahead anyway and set his goal to hit $100,000 income mark. So every day, he would visualize having earned that amount of money. He made a $100,000 bill by taking a hundred dollar bill and traced it on a flip chart. He then added three zeros at the back, so it looked like a $100,000 bill.

What Jack did next was to take the $100,000 bill he made and put it on the ceiling above his bed. Thus, every morning when he wakes up, he saw the hundred thousand dollar bill, and then he would say his affirmation, ‘God is my unlimited supply. May large sums of money come to me quickly and easily under the grace of God, for the highest good of all concerned. I am easily earning, saving, and investing a $100,000 a year.”…