Packing 101

Today I returned from a weekend away. Since the February topic is traveling, I thought I would talk about packing. I liken it to Goldilocks with the porridge that is either too hot, too cold or just right. Packing can be too much, too little or just right. And I haven’t even talked about factoring in the weather and/or the type of trip. No need to pack hiking books for sightseeing in Paris or packing a down coat for a trip to the Bahamas. Although, I do remember one family trip to Mexico where it was colder than anticipated, so we all bought sweatshirts.

So here is the one step solution: a packing list. I have mine as a word document on my computer and can print it out when needed. It has 5 sections:

1.    Basics (socks, underwear, Pjs, etc.)

2.    Cold weather (pants, scarf, sweaters, etc.)

3.    Warm weather (Bathing suit, tank top, shorts, etc.)

4.    Toiletries (make-up and hair accessories included)

5.    Miscellaneous (medicines, books, camera, charging cords, etc.)

I allow space next to each item to enter the quantity. Make sure there are some blank spaces to enter in specialty items like gifts your taking, CPAP machine, etc. Then I just check off each item as I pack it.

Tip #1: Count the number of days you need underwear, and for every 7 add an extra pair.

OK, you can’t just pack willy-nilly in my opinion, or you’ll end up with more than you need. I center my packing around one color, usually the color of my sweater. Yes, I always pack a sweater. The other thing I think about is versatility like pants that zip off into shorts (my favorite), or reversable clothes.

Tip #2: Pack socks and underwear in shoes to make use of dead space (this even works for sandals)

A few more things to consider when packing is if you’ll be able to do laundry, if you need a special outfit for an occasion you’re going to, items you can buy where you’re going or if you’re checking your luggage or not. The last two go hand in hand. Often, I buy sunscreen when I arrive because of the 3 oz. limit with carry-on luggage.

Tip #3: Some items I always pack…

1.    Flashlight and LED nightlight

2.    Raincoat/poncho

3.    A pill case with Ibuprofen/acetaminophen and stomach relief (usually Pepto Bismal tablets)

4.    Safety pins

5.    And in today’s world, extra masks

Traveling can be fun and adventurous. However, the adventure shouldn’t be finding an item a clothing you forgot or dragging a heavy suitcase through the airport. I remember a family trip to Puerto Rico where my luggage and my daughter’s (age 3 at the time) got delayed out of NYC. We took a cab to the nearest mall to buy her a bathing suit and some clothes. She found PJs for her special friend, Sandy the Lion. I said we couldn’t get them, and she broke down in tears and screams. I relented and the PJs remained on Sandy for several months. I didn’t think my daughter understood the gravity of the situation and I was wrong.

Tip #4: When traveling with kids pack the bathing suit and at least one change of clothes in the carry-on if you plan to check luggage. When old enough, have your kids pack these in their carry-ons themselves. Take a lesson from me!

(P.S. I have a saying, “It’s not like we’re going to Timbuktu, we can buy it there.” And until years ago when my mother mentioned planning a trip there my daughter didn’t realize it was a real place. Sad to say, my mother’s trip never worked out.)