I am different

How are you different? I was recently asked this question. It gave me pause. When I started my business as a productivity coach, I was different because I focused on a person’s personal life and making it more efficient which I figured would spill over into their work life. Most coaches at the time worked with companies to make the employees more efficient which in turn helped the company make more money. To be honest, this concept didn’t sit well with me at all. I stuck with helping individuals.


After many years, I realized that most of my clients were parents and not only needed to be more efficient but also learn how to manage their stress. No matter how efficient you are, a long to-do list can stress a person out. Teaching prioritizing methods (one concept I teach) helped parents sort out their tasks, even eliminating some on their way to feeling a sense of relief. That Ahhhh moment.


Again, after several years, I noticed that parents who were more efficient and less stressed were still parenting the way they always had. In some cases, not good. I took my own parenting technique and gave it the name, Heartfull Parenting. I simply did this to help parents have strong, loving, and respectful relationships with their children like I have with my daughter (now 17). I’ll give you a hint. What is an anagram for LISTEN (an anagram is using the letters of one word to form another word)?

So back to the original question? Yes, I am still different. There are still productivity coaches that make employees more efficient and some that work with individuals. Now there are parenting coaches that help parents be better parents. My feeling is that when parents are more efficient and less stressed, they are able to be in the present moment with their children and parent from this place. I call it, “Parenting in the Present Moment.” (monthly workshop)


From my recent Google search for “parent coaching” and “productivity coaching.”…

1.     “You're repeating yourself a thousand times a day. You've tried timeouts, bribes, and threats to get your children to behave, but nothing works. You're not sure what to do next, and you constantly worry that it's only going to get worse. It feels like a never-ending struggle. You're ready for an outside perspective. Someone to talk to instead of relying on Google searches and advice from family.”

2.   “This process can help you to deepen your relationship with your child and end common battles such as homework, bedtime, and chores. It can reduce your stress level, and help you find more joy and satisfaction in your role as a parent. “


3.   “This is not about following someone else’s 7-step programme or blueprint. It’s about navigating your own journey of brilliance. Frankly, you don’t care what the world’s top CEOs do before breakfast. You just want to know what’s going to work for you.” 


4.   “It’s for those who want to…
Accomplish more each day | Reclaim their time | Stop feeling overwhelmed | Make significant progress on their goals | Spend more time each day on what’s most important and meaningful | Stop “winging it” and begin each day with clarity and focus | Stop procrastinating and wasting time | Start taking action toward their goals each day.”


Notice none of these show parenting and productivity together. That is my difference. I work with people on their personal lives so they can parent with a clear mind and open heart. So they can be a Heartfull Parent.