It's bug time...

A friend of mine recently told me that his oldest moved back to New York and was rooming with a college friend who is getting his PhD in the study of ants. Yes, you heard me right. This gentleman is probably one of the few people who like bugs (aka. Creepy crawlies). Most of us see a spider or a roach and we run for another room or run to get someone else to get rid of it. Bugs are a fact of life and with mosquitos more prevalent in the summer months.


One summer at camp, I got stung by a bee and y hand swelled up reminder fellow campers of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man from Ghost busters. I do have a mild allergy. So, what to do about these creepy crawlies— plan for them, keep your environment safe and catch them.


To plan for mosquitos and other stingers, you need to pick the right repellent (whether with Deet or not). From Shop Today, "’Use Environmental Protection Agency-recommended repellents. Ingredients like DEET, Picaridin, IR3535 and oil of lemon eucalyptus work well,’ said Laura C. Harrington, a professor in Cornell University's entomology department.” Bug repellents come as sprays, lotions, and wipes. There are more natural (no Deet) options on the market, even from big names like Cutter and Off. Be sure to read the label as to how often to reapply. If you’re planning a BBQ or picnic, you may want to get a citronella candle, to ward off the mosquitos. A friend of mine grows citronella plants on her patio to do this.


Another option is a backyard mosquito guard like the Cutter spray that works with your hose (I have used this one in the past). “With warmer temperatures come summer cookouts, backyard pool parties and — we hate to say it — tons of mosquitos. While humid environments are better breeding grounds for these pesky bugs, they can survive almost anywhere, as long as they have access to water. But just because their presence is inevitable doesn't mean you have to suffer through itchy bites and annoying buzzes: Take matters into your own hands by protecting your yard with the best mosquito repellents and bug sprays.” — By Amanda Garrity and Rena Loper, Good Housekeeping Institute

Not all bugs are annoying, some fireflies are beautiful to look at and so people like to catch them.  Light attracts fireflies so use a flashlight and have someone at the ready with an open lidded jar to catch them. Before any of this can happen, you need to at the right time of year and right place to find fireflies (WikiHow).