Buried Treasure....

No, I am not a pirate who unearthed a trunk full of gold coins and gems in my backyard (I wish). In my cleaning and organizing my office (remember my 31 day challenge), I unearthed a treasure on my way to making it a 62 day or even 93 day challenge. My daughter is preparing for her Bat-Mitvah to be held this spring. I found my Bat Mitzvah folder complete with my Torah portion and translation, Haf-Torah with translation and my speech. The first line of my speech is "Have you ever thought about the relationship of the Torah as a book of laws and the US Constitution as a document of laws?" Pretty Weighty! Well, for a lot of 13 year old boys and girls, their Bat or Bar Mitzvah is really first time they will be presenting in public—you know public speaking for which some adults have a fear. This treasure got me thinking about public speaking. I would like to thank Ms Schindel, the 7th grade Oral English teacher for teaching me how to present in public and feel comfortable doing it. I can only hope as my daughter continues to practice for Bat Mitzvah and writes and practices her speech she will develop a comfort with speaking in public that will last her a lifetime.

