I am a superhero

Well, not exactly. Unlike the superheroes of DC and Marvel comics, I don’t wear a mask or have a cape. I don’t have invisibility, super strength, or the uncanny ability to see a light in the sky summoning me to stop crime. I do have the uncanny ability to know when my daughter has had a bad, even though she says “It was fine.” I do have the uncanny ability to know when my daughter isn’t sharing her feelings (and for close friends and family too). I do have the uncanny ability to know when something is bothering me and to dive deep inside to deal with it or bury it and let it bubble to the surface like lava from an erupting volcano. A personal development superhero quiz said my superpower is “intuition.” My friend Cindy, who is a Reiki Master, has told me more than once I am an intuitive person. So I am intuitive, I already know that. Being intuitive leads to other superpowers like listening with intent, making space for people to share their feelings (or pick my brain), and providing constructive feedback in a nice manner. What if all moms were superheroes? Superheroes with names like Speedy Dinner Chef, Teacher of the Universe, Marvelous Mediator, and the Wonder Activities Director (known as Wonder AD). Notice I didn’t list any sidekick names. Moms are not sidekicks. From my own personal experience mothering in the pandemic, we are front and center. Sorry to partners or dads in the “dad” role, but this is scientifically proven. So what to do about it? Here’s what I have done…Find ways to be creative like cooking a new recipe for dinner, have a clearly defined weekly schedule to I know from one day to the next what to expect minus the issues and problems that crop up, (especially important for us working moms) to exercise in some form daily even if it is only my morning stretching (hey, this counts!), and remembering that motherhood didn’t come with a manual or how-to book, so imperfect I am. And other moms are too. I have a second main superpower, “Imperfection.” To all moms out there, I hope as I accept this superpower, you will too. Super Imperfect Moms of the universe unite and take back your “me-time.”