No Waste Cooking...

When my sister and I would go to visit our maternal grandparents, our grandmother would always say, “Finish what is on your plate. Think of the starving Arameans.” This lasted until my older sister pointed out that we were past the Arameans and now it was starving Africans. I grew up with a no waste food mentality. So when I have food in my house on its last legs, I cook it. So in the last week I have made roasted carrots (baby carrots, see recipe below), cheese sauce frozen in individual servings (grated cheddar cheese), pesto-kale gluten free lasagna (kale, ricotta and mozzarella) frozen into single serve pieces and my piece-de-resistance, clementine marmalade (see photo below). The carrots are almost all gone; they are delicious and so is the cheese sauce and lasagna. I think I’m set for lunch next week.

Roasted Baby Carrots

1 small bag carrots

2 Tbsp. Olive Oil

1/2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder

Preheat oven to 400. Toss rinsed carrots in oil and garlic. Place on a parchment lined rimmed cookie sheet. Roast for 30-40 minutes.

Marmalade cooling on my stove top.

Marmalade cooling on my stove top.