Got a solution?

My mother has a saying, “Don’t come to me with a problem, come to me with a solution.” In fact it is saying that both my parents lived by. In my childhood when I had a problem, my parents were proactive in helping me solve it. When I was 9, they got me a reading tutor because I could read and knew what each word meant, but putting it together for reading comprehension was like a jigsaw puzzle with no picture to go by. When I had a bout of insomnia as a 13-year-old, they arranged for me to see the school psychologist, whose ideas got me back sleeping (and we are still friends to this day). Like any good parent, they got me tutoring for the SATs. And no, I didn’t have a perfect childhood. My parents taught me the importance of solving your problems/issues rather than sweeping them under the carpet. This past week, Marco got an eye infection. Had I been home, I would have called the vet and taken him in. However, I am not and didn’t know about any vets where I am. So in true “bring me a solution” fashion, I reached out to an acquaintance, and got a recommendation. In fact, two recommendations and so last Wednesday I drove to a 24hr. vet clinic to have Marco treated. Now he is back to his old self. As the pandemic rages around us, some of us are having to solve our own problems like a leaky faucet, a cell phone that isn’t working quite right, and how to live as one family 24/7 without killing each other. My suggestion for the last one is a dance party or joke fest or fake insanity at your trial.