Evolution, Eh?

The other day my daughter and I were on a walk and she asked me, “Did you know that there are people who don’t believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution?” I said yes and asked her if she had read the play “Inherit the Wind.” When she said no, I told her the play was based on the actual Scopes trial in which a teacher, Mr. Scopes, was on trial for teaching evolution which was against the law at the time in Tennessee (1925). She was shocked. “The theory of evolution by natural selection, first formulated in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits.” (LiveScience.com) Our discussion got me thinking about evolution and adaptation, especially since there is a pandemic raging in the world that has changed the way we work, school, and live together r(24/7). The world has forced us to adapt and some of us are doing this better than others. I have heard of people who are paralyzed with fear and can’t even think about taking their business online or walking out their doors, others were already online in their business and have amped it up (and do Zoom brunches and happy hours with family and friends) and others like myself have started a video channel and began their social media marketing and set up a weekly schedule to keep an order to life. So what I have specifically done to adapt:

  1. I put aside my need to learn how to make quality business videos to be able to put my timely content on YouTube.

  2. I cook more with frozen veggies since I only shop once a week and want veggies all week in my meals.

  3. I exercise at home or walk outside (Hence, the walk with my daughter)

  4. I’ve learned to control what I can and let go of what I can’t.

How have you adapted?