Driving Lessons

Let me tell you a story. In fact, indulge me. My family, especially my daughter will tell you that I am a “queen” story teller and often tell the same stories over and over again. Recently, I damaged my car to the point of requiring a trip to the auto body shop where it is still being repaired (Thank goodness, for car rentals). The last time I did this was nearly 16 years ago with someone else’s car. Let me back-up even farther. I got my driver license at 27 y.o. Living in NYC with a superb public transit system, I saw no need for one until then. I continued not to drive and was lucky to have a mother and friends who indulged me. Then I met my now ex-husband and he indulged me too. I barely drove until the fateful incident. In fact, driving on country roads was the only place I felt comfortable driving. This is why I was driving to and from a local apple stand in MA, when I did the damage to the car and my pride. Thankfully, I wasn’t physically hurt. Now I was no longer comfortable driving country roads and was indulged even more. Two years ago, I came to a realization that I needed to once and for all become a driver. I took driving lessons to get over my fear and was gifted a car by my mother. I drove the streets of NYC and then worked my way up to highway driving. This spring, I drove all the way to MA. While there I damaged the car returning from driving country roads to and from a vet clinic to get a check-up and medication for our dog, Marco’s eye infection. Again the car and my pride were damaged, but physically I was fine. Unlike last time, I resolved to get right back into driving (hence the rental, plus we needed it to get home). I could point the finger at all those that indulged me the last time, but that wouldn’t be fair. First and foremost, I should point the finger at myself for indulging my discomfort in driving. I am still not comfortable behind the wheel, but I am determined to do it for two reasons, One, to be a role model for conquering your fears to my daughter and two, my family has had a house in MA for over 40 years, and like my mom, someday I want to take my grandkids there. Please forgive me now, if some day in the future you hear this story again and then, again.