A game of solitaire

I was on hold with customer service, for an order I placed and had yet to receive. While I waited and listened to terrible “elevator” music, I played solitaire. Suddenly, I had a question, “Can Solitaire be played with the numbers getting higher?” I typed this into Google and the results that came back were rules for the game, hints and tricks, and an Inc. article on how the game teaches decision making. Whoa, hold your horses, teaches decision making? Last year I wrote a blog post on the life skills my daughter was learning by playing FortNight (she has moved on to better things— HS, and all its drama). Now it is my turn to write about what I have learned from playing solitaire online. No two online versions are the same. And you have to decided based on the version whether you measure your success in how many moves it takes to win the game or how long. When you have completed a goal, you may notice that it took you longer than you thought or there were more steps than you thought. At this point, one can look back and ponder what could have been done differently to decrease these numbers. Playing all these many games of Solitaire has taught me not to do this, but to move on. I could look at my weight loss journey and figure out where I could have made changes to accomplish my goal of being 25 lbs. lighter sooner, but this would only diminish the joy of having reached the goal, not to mention taking time away from planning my celebration for completing this goal. On an unrelated note, I never did get the answer to my solitaire question.