Kick yourself...

I recently had a “kick yourself” moment. There was a project on my to-do list. Every time I saw the contents of the project at the end of my dining room table or the top of the radiator cover in my dining room, I cringed and ran the other way. The project is a stack of printed recipes and ones cut from magazines and the newspaper that need to be filed in my recipe binder. This was a big pile of paper and it scared me. Then I had my “kick yourself” moment. I tell my clients when they have a big goal or project to break it down into bite-size pieces and “chew” one piece at a time. I wasn’t taking my own medicine. Hence the moment I realized this. First I began filing the printed recipes by separating them from the pile. Then at another time, I did the cut-out recipes that required the whole cut-out. Now all that’s left is the recipes that need to be cut and taped to binder paper. So the project that caused me to cringe and scared me is now 2/3 done. And all it took was a swift kick to myself.