Year in review...

Sylvie’s fortune from our Christmas Day Chinese lunch.

I combed through my blog posts, articles I read, websites I looked at, FB groups, and LinkedIn for the best advice and tips of 2021. Here’s what made my top ten list (my apologies to David Letterman. He’s were funnier).

  1. “Fear has two meanings— Forget everything and run or Face everything and rise. The choice is yours.” —Anonymous

  2. The choice of a calendar, digital or paper (or Gasp! both) is a subjective one.

  3. “Celebrate your successes. Find some humor in your failures. Don’t take yourself so seriously…” — Sam Walton (founder of Walmart). Parents should model this for their children.

  4. Have a separate to-do list for work/business and personal. Try using a steno pad, since it is already divided into two columns. A recommendation Of Paula Rizzo author of Listful Thinking.

  5. Find your happy place. Go there often if only as a visualization in your mind.

  6. What is your word of the year for 2022? For 2021, my word was “honesty.” What will it be for 2022? Hmmm…

  7. Teaching our kids about finance and the value of money is a parent’s responsibility if we want financially savvy adults. Heck, no one else is doing it!

  8. Learn to love networking, even online to stay up to date on your industry, grow your business, or just to make connections. I met my friend Tracy this year through her online networking happy hour.

  9. If you are struggling as a family to keep track of everyone’s schedule, then find an app to help you. There are plenty— Trello, Google Calendar, Asana, etc.

  10. Get a good night’s sleep. Be sure the pillow you use is matched to your sleep style (back, stomach or side). I sleep on my side and so I use a contoured pillow to support my head and neck.

BONUS: Be kind and compassionate to yourself. 2021, like 2022 was a hard year. May 2022 be easier for all of us and filled with joy and laughter.