"It's my party...

…and I’ll cry if I want to.” — Lesley Gore

Actually it is my birthday minus the party. And no I’m not crying because there is no party. At my age, late 40s, birthday parties are reserved for milestones. Thank goodness! I don’t need all that pomp and circumstance every year. Since my birthday comes at the end of the year, it is natural for me to reflect on the last year. Why wait until 12/31 or 1/1. Most of us when we reflect do so on the good and bad. How do I not reflect on the bad on my birthday? I’m taking all suggestions.

So, as I am reflecting, here’s my first thought. 2021 was a sucky year— Covid, the political divide, online school (for part of it) and the shortage of cream cheese at bagel shops (gasp! What’s a Jew to do?). Alright, one more time. 2021 SUCKED!

If the opposite of sucked is “unsucked”, then it might just be my word of the year. However, “unsucked” isn’t even a word. So here is my second thought as I reflect. In 2021, like 2020, we had to adjust and make do— family reunions, birthdays, funerals and even weddings over zoom or tiny gatherings in person with all vaccinated and/or wearing masks. So maybe my word should be “adjust” or “flexible.” I’m done with adjusting. I’m done with flexibility. I want stability. I want continuity.

So there’s my word, CONTINUITY. Continuity of my relationships. Continuity of my work. Continuity of my health, physical and mental. Continuity of knowing that no matter what 2022 brings, I will kick ass.

So here’s to a happy and healthy new year for all and I hope you kiss ass too.