I have triplets!


No, Sylvie doesn’t have siblings that she doesn’t know exist. Like most people, I take supplements and medicine each day. In the morning, I have three small white round pills. Each with its own purpose. While it won’t harm me to take more than one of any of the pills, I shouldn’t do it. So, I have to be diligent when I am filling my weekly pill sorter to make sure only one of each goes in each slot.

Now I ask you if they can create flavorings for liquid prescription medicine so kids will more easily take them, why can’t they create pill coloring so it easier to know which medicine is which? As the Skittles tag line goes “Taste the Rainbow.” Well, how about a rainbow of pills. If you're a met’s fan, the pills could be blue and orange. A Patriot’s fan (not allowed in New York), the pills could be red and blue. You see my point.

Oh, and what if they were colored with a candy shell like M&Ms. Then Mary Poppins would be right “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” If you have been to a Hershey’s store or fancy candy store like Dylan’s Candy, you know that M&Ms come in way more colors than what you see in each bag. If you order online, you can have a picture or words printed on them. I can see it now— red pills printed with AM on them. Now you not only know what pill it is but when to take it too. Pretty Smart, I think.

While I am sorry (NOT!) that Sylvie doesn’t have siblings (her BFF will have to suffice as a sister), I don’t want the triplets I do have. Since they’re not going anywhere, I’ll just have to remain diligent for now.