Another bone to pick

Form one of my recent blog posts, “I can say that I get results because my coaching is thoughtful, client-specific, and based on proven methodologies.”

Some coaches started with just hanging out a shingle and others got certified through come coaching school. Yes, I did the latter (minus the certificate). To my mind, what really matters is the fact that my chosen niche of time management and productivity are subjects that I have studied for over 30+ years. The second thing that matters is that I personalize my service to my 1-and-1 clients to give them the best possible outcome. And the third thing is developing a report with my clients in our initial conversation. And last, I focus on working with parents, especially moms. Why? Because improving the overall life of a parent, so he/she has more time with their family, time to devote to work and getting the job done right and the all to allusive time to care for him/herself is important to me.

Several years ago, my hair was a mess of curls with dead ends. I realized that I had not gotten a haircut in 6 months. This from going once every quarter. Since we almost to the end of the year, I wrote on the first Wednesday of every other month: HAIRCUT. At the end of the year, my hair was back to health and I had learned the inportane of putting myself first on my to-do list. This is why I have chosen to sign up for a 5K walk on Governor’s Island to motivate myself to exercise more and build up my endurance.

Many years ago, Robitussin did a commercial where the mom gets sick, takes Robitussin, and then comes down to see an extremely messy living room (video). No one wants to be that mom (or dad for that matter). So I make sure clients understand the vital importance of taking care of themselves and making sure they are their top priority.

When the pandemic hit, I took to trimming my own hair at the begging of each month to keep it in health. Now going for a haircut is extra special and feels like “a day at the spa” for me and my hair.