It smells Funky

By FunwayIllustration

By FunwayIllustration

I am not talking about my kitchen trash. Thankfully I had the foresight to move my outdoor trashcan next to my front steps so it is a slam dunk to empty the trash with all the snow. And no I am not talking about my backyard compost bin. I am talking about me. And not my breath or b.o. I am feeling funky to use a term I grew up. I liken it to a bunch of computer code that is scrambled, so when the code is run, it gets stuck and can’t go forward. I feel like I hit the wall of motivation and I slumped at the base rather than scale it and go over as you see in all the army commercials and movie depictions. Why don’t I scale it? Because unscrambling the computer code seems daunting. And the simple answer would be to take the daunting and break it down into smaller pieces and tackle one at a time. This is where the feeling funky comes in. Being in a “funk” has meant to me that I don’t feel like doing anything that is remote “work” or considered work. I avoid all work like avoiding Covid-19. The next simple answer is "accountability.” Thankfully, my business coach, Alan, keeps me on track with my goal to produce more videos in 2021. My 16 y.o daughter keeps me accountable to keep our house in order (and keeps me on my toes). That just leaves the rest of my life— exercising, eating right, my creative side, and reading. The funk has settled in like gray clouds that won’t leave and I feel like I am waiting for a gust of wind to move them. Instead, I need to create my own wind. Simple question, “How do I create my own wind?” There is no simple answer.

“Everyone is in this same boat at the moment.!!!!.” — Susie E. (a.k.a. Aunt Susie)