On Reflection...

Today is my birthday. Most people on their birthday do two things: reflect and make a wish for the future. Hence the title of this blog, “On Reflection.” What am I reflecting about? It is more like what am I not reflecting about.


When I look back on all the years I lived (I’m a proper lady and so won’t tell my age), I see two themes. One, I did (and still do) me, meaning I don’t follow a leader and I am not a leader. I forge my own path. Two, I do things in my way (and in my own time). Heck, it took me nearly 20 years after getting my driver’s license to get my first car (Thanks, mom!) and really learn to drive. I am by no means a great driver and my car has dents to prove it, but I have made it a point to become a “confident” driver (as much as I can be). At the same time, I have never been a “may way or the highway” person. I firmly believe in listening to others and compromise. I hope that I have instilled all of this in my daughter.


Even in my business I live this. When I started my coaching business 9 years ago, I was working with individuals helping them to be more productive. After a few years, I noticed most of my clients were parents and began focusing on this audience. In the time since then, I have noticed that parents put themselves last. Therefore, I partnered this year with Shaklee for my own health and to provide a health boost to my clients (if they choose). A sick parent is of no use to his/her work, family and/or him/herself.


As New Years, is just days away, it is a time we think about what we want for next year (wishes for the future). Some call them resolutions, I call them yearly goals. This year I took my Turkey Trot Bib and wrote my goals on the back along with my word-of-the-year (which I’ll reveal later). So here they are:

·      To walk a 15-minute mile and train for the overnight Suicide prevention walk happening in June

·      To go back to a group exercise class twice a week

·      To develop a “power hour” habit after dinner of watching inspirational or informative videos and/or reading (when I am not on a Zoom)

·      To complete one crafting or sewing project a month (that charm bracelet isn’t going to make itself)

·      To meet up with at least 3 friends for coffee or lunch each month (beyond the 4 that I already meet with)

·      To attend 3 networking events a month (in-person or virtual)


My word of the year is…PROACTIVE. I recently heard something that stuck with me, “You don’t motivate to start, you start to motivate.” This means that I will dive into projects rather than waiting to feel like doing them. Also, this means that I will be more active in reviewing my finances and spending, my physical and mental health and in pushing myself in my business. And along this line, I will be making sure my daughter has the soft skills to succeed in college. In fact, I will be writing a special blog each month on these soft skills (laundry, cooking basics, time management, etc.) to help other parents prepare their teenager for college too.


I remember all those years ago when I headed off to college. I was excited for new friends and adventures, nervous about succeeding and sad to be leaving “my childhood” behind. Fast forward to today and I succeeded at college; I am still having new adventures and making new friends. I look back on my childhood with fondness and am grateful for the person it helped me to become.


Happy New Year to All!