Hot coffee and OJ...

So far this month, I have written on meal planning, meal prep and the importance of sitting down to dinner as a family. Well, you can meal plan and prep for breakfast and lunch (if you and/or your kids brown bag it). These meals are also important.

“Many studies have shown the health benefits of eating breakfast. It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term, and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the long term. — Better Health Channel Also, with eating a healthy breakfast, meaning no donuts, sugar cereals, etc., you are more likely to meet the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function optimally.

So, if Breakfast replenishes your body after a night’s sleep, what does lunch do? “Eating lunch raises your blood sugar level in the middle of the day, which gives you the energy you need for the rest of the day. It also enables you to focus and concentrate on the rest of the afternoon. According to Live Strong, if you’re feeling sluggish, eating even a small lunch can renew your energy and help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the next several hours. For kids, lunch is crucial because this is when they get their nutrients and vitamins for the day. A balanced lunch can improve three channels: physical development, cognition, and behavior. Without these, it is nearly impossible for a student to develop, mentally or physically.” — MyHotLunchBox  When I worked in an office, I brought my lunch most days. The reason was because it is healthier and cheaper than buying out lunch. (Joe Cross) . It was simple to do because I made extra at dinner and the leftovers were lunch.

Guess what? Sending your kids with lunch instead of having them eat the school lunch of burgers, pizza, mac and cheese, etc. is better for them. Now if your child’s school has a “healthy lunch” then skip making lunch. “Packing lunch at home allows you to have more control over the types of food you enjoy at your mid-day meal. Many school lunches provide little opportunity to choose -- you get whatever the cafeteria is serving for the day. But if you pack your food at home, you decide what goes into your bag. And if you make healthy choices, this food freedom could actually ensure that you eat a lunch healthier than the one you could have bought at school.” — Krista Sheehan, SF Gate As you kids grow they can be part of making lunch by choosing the non-perishable items the night before. When I meal plan for the week, I ask my daughter what she wants for breakfast and lunch, this way she gets a healthy vegetarian meal for each. This week breakfast was smoothies and lunch— a mozzarella sandwich Italian style or with green goddess spread and veggies. My lunch is leftovers as it has always been and breakfast most days is a protein and greens shake.

After the month of writing about meal planning, prep and the importance of each meal, I have also learned the importance of what you eat. No matter which meal it is, you should make healthy choices to ensure that you are getting the RDA of minerals and vitamins and replenishing your body’s nutrients stores. Okay, some indulgence is fine. As a write this, I am drinking my morning  Caffix (all-natural coffee substitute) cooled off with a scoop of homemade vegan vanilla ice cream. Perfect for a fall morning!