I'm stuck!

If you are like m yo played Freeze Tag as a kid. The child who is it tags you, you have to freeze. When another child in the game tags you, you are “unfrozen.” If , only, the solution to being stuck as a n adult was this easy. It is not.


I have been stuck on what to do for my monthly blog theme and weekly topics. SO naturally, I began thinking about being stuck and how to get unstuck. It turns out thar are creativity is linked to a relaxed state of mind. This explains why people have creative thoughts while sleeping, exercising and for me, walking.


“You’re trying to come up with an idea for a new project but you’ve got nothing. Your creativity well has run dry. Or maybe you’re working on an existing project and suddenly you just don’t know what to do next. You’re out of ideas and not sure what to do.” — Stephen Altrogge, Freedom




Logically, the question to be answered is “how do you get unstick?”


Here are some tips:

1.    “Try this: Interview yourself: why do you feel you are stuck? What’s happening in your work or your personal life that may have precipitated this state? What has worked for you in the past to get back on track?” — Robert Tucker, Forbes

2.   Take to a book, TV show or podcast. “Reading is a great way to unlock ideas that are hidden in your subconscious. By exploring another feat of creativity, you will no doubt find pieces of text that inspire you to explore your creative potential. The same is true for listening to your favorite podcast or a favorite song and watching a great movie or TV show.” — Mpumelelo Malumo, We Edit Podcasts

3.   Take a break and take a step back and try to look at the situation from a difference angle, through a different lens or from a different person’s perspective.

4.   Try journaling or just writing down what is on your mind. This simple act can free up space in your brain for creative ideas to flow.

5.    Set boundaries on your project. “If you’re feeling blocked creatively, it may be because you don’t have any constraints upon you. In other words, you basically have unlimited options regarding what you can do, and the wide-openness is actually overwhelming. “ — Stephen Altrogge, Freedom


Naturally, as a I am writing this post, my March theme came to me complete with weekly topics. So, look for next week’s blog post for the theme and weekly topic.