A storybook life

This came through the app from the group coach in my weight loss program, Noom. My response “She put herself first.” I gained weight in the aftermath of my marriage ending. Taking charge and working to lose weight was the first step to putting myself first. In the wake of my divorce, I focused on making sure my daughter was all right and trying to train our new puppy (now a 6 y.o. dog). Several years ago, I put off getting a haircut for 6 months. When I figured this out, I wrote on the first Wednesday of every other month to get a haircut (I plan to go this Wednesday). I can’t tell you the number of moms, I speak with that aren’t putting themselves first, which means they aren’t taking care of themselves. 2021 should be the year that moms (or anyone for that matter) put themselves first. Our mental and physical well-being during this trying time is just as important as making sure our children are safe and not going stir crazy being inside too much. In fact, at the top of the list of new roles we moms have taken on should be Director of Mom Time. This is number one above short-order cook, teacher and activities director, or in my case dance party partner. So my wish for all you moms, dads, and others in 2021 is that you take time to care for yourselves so you can be your best for your families, life partners, friends, co-workers or employees, and yourself. As my late great-uncle always said, “We’ve been through this before and we’ll get through this again.” All the more reason to take care of yourselves, so you’re in tip-top shape for the much-needed vacation when the world opens back up.