A better you?

During the height of the pandemic, I became a bit of a personal development junkie. It an expert had a free introduction webinar; I watched it and took notes. Every year, I set some personal development goals for myself. Well, now is the time I check in on them and see how I am doing. This way I can recalibrate as needed.

How do I check in on my personal development goals? (Hint, you should do this to for your yearly goals.)


For my goals, I start with the result and work backward to understand what I need to do to get to the end and then I can parcel out tasks daily, weekly, or monthly as needed. If you don’t have this written down or in a document on your computer, do this first. Think of it as GPS for your goals.


Now you should be checking things off as you complete them, so you can see your progress. If you have just made your “GPS” document, check off tasks you have already done. When you come to a task that should have been done but isn’t, think about why you didn’t do it. Were you afraid of rejection? Afraid of looking stupid? Afraid of hearing “no”? Alternatively, afraid of hearing “yes”? Then ask yourself why you are afraid. Keep asking why until you feel you have hit the bottom layer. Now you can work on dispelling this bottom layer and getting back on track to your goal.


“Personal development are activities that improve your skills, talent, and potential to improve your quality of life. Personal growth allows individuals to be the best versions of themselves with the confidence and maturity necessary to be successful in most situations they may find themselves in. Personal development improves personal aspects of life but also helps increase your knowledge and furthers your career because you're a productive employee.” — Anya Stephens, PeopleSense


If you’re not doing personal development, here are the reasons you should…

1.    It forces you out of your comfort zone.

2.   Boosts overall confidence.

3.    Develops your strengths (and show your weaknesses so you know when to ask for help).

4.   Improves self-awareness. “Personal development is closely linked to self-awareness. It gives you the opportunity to take an honest look at the areas of your life that need improvement. Through this process, you get to know who you really are, what your true values are, and where you would like to go in life. Once you go through this process, you will improve your self-awareness and experience fulfillment.” — Lungiswa Nyatyowa, Oxbridge Academy


Just as it is important to check in on our health and financial goals, it is also important to check in on our personal development and by extension our professional development goals. In fact, experts suggest that personal development should be a priority. I am not longer a personal development junkie, but I do work on myself regularly, so I can be always my best self even as a mom with a teenage daughter.