Consistency and...

And curveballs…


I have written about the importance of being consistent in creating new habits, breaking old ones, doing social media, exercising, etc. Well, here’s a curveball— getting sick. All of these items fell to the waste side when I went on vacation and got sick. Being sick on vacation isn’t fun except that I got to sit in the sun by a lake and take my naps. Now that’s living!


So this begs the questions: How do you plan for this? Or can you? The answer is yes and know. In the case of exercise, you can’t do more exercise one week to counter no exercise the next week. Habits, well taking time off could mean you need to restart. For social media you could plan it, write it, and schedule it out for weeks in advance. Two problems with this, I am a solopreneur and often write from what’s going on at the moment (i.e. this post). I guess I could keep a few written blog posts as back-up for these times. Or maybe repost from someone else. Or do a post of articles and videos I’ve read and watched lately. The answer is E, all of the above.


“Now, what if you’re a solopreneur, like me? Although I have other small businesses that I partner with to help Lev Promotions provide a full array of services to its clients, I am Lev Promotions. Me, myself and I with no one else. When I’m sick, business could conceivably grind to a screeching halt. So, what happens?” — Rama Beerfas, LinkedIn


Some tips…

·      When you’re sick, do routine tasks and skip the hard stuff

·      Work from bed if necessary

·      Do what you need to do to get better faster— drink tea, have chicken soup, or eat citrus fruits for Vitamin C

·      Be proactive and take care of your body throughout the year

·      Keep you clients and others in the loop, so they know what to expect from you regarding your business

·      Reach out to your business network for help

—   Dawn Mentzer


So here are some of the things I already do…I take a multivitamin, and other supplements every day, get a good night’s sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet. Here’s what I plan to do, write some blog posts as back-up and keep a document of video and article links that I can post. And if needed repost my friend, Tracy’s blog (with permission of course) since she is a great writer and blogger.


It is important when we are sick to remember to take care of ourselves first and our business second. However our business is a very close second as we don’t want clients and/or prospects to think we closed overnight.