The value of systems... Produtivity, lesson, Accountability, Life, time managementMali MayerOctober 9, 2017#organization, #lesson, #life, #TimemanagementComment
"A change is gonna come...." journey, lesson, Life, WisdomMali MayerSeptember 19, 2017#life, #journey, #lesson, #changeComment
Ahh, "Toast" again Baking, lesson, Life, journey, Health, RecipeMali MayerAugust 26, 2017#journey, #baking, #life, #lessonComment
Shhh...It's a surprise Did you surprise you child or children lately with plans? Read More family, journey, lesson, Life, WisdomMali MayerAugust 22, 2017#life, #journey, #wisdomComment
Words from Bishop T.D. Jakes Wisdom, Words, business, Quote, lessonMali MayerJune 16, 2017#business, #quote, #lesson, #wisdon, #words
Wise words..... wealth, lesson, Wisdom, Quote, Life, WordsMali MayerJune 12, 2017#life, #lesson, #Finance, #quoteComment
Wealth of Health update.... Accountability, Health, journey, Life, lesson, wealth, wellness, money, DaughterMali MayerMay 3, 2017#life, #wellness, #health, #money, #journey, #cleanse, #Finance
Waste not, want not family, Food, Health, humor, lesson, Life, wellness, Wisdom, CharityMali MayerApril 30, 2017#wellness, #humor, #health, #life, #family, #food, #charity, #sugarComment
Can you keep a secret? Baking, Cooking, Food, Health, lesson, Recipe, secretMali MayerApril 26, 2017#baking, #cooking, #secret, #lesson, #healthComment
Do you have determination? Accountability, lesson, Life, Produtivity, Water, Wisdom, WordsMali MayerApril 23, 2017#Timemanagement, #producitivy, #commitment, #clothingComment